Sunday, April 15, 2012

Captain Obama.

Title/Caption: Re-Elect Captain Obama

This cartoon is of a sinking ship with "United States of America" written across it. At the top of the boat is Obama wearing a ship's captain attire holding a sign that reads "Re-Elect Captain Obama". What this cartoon is saying is that Obama has tore America apart but yet is still asking to be elected again. This cartoon clearly represents a Republican perspective. Many Republicans believe along with this cartoon that Obama has hurt America badly with his different proposals and in some ways that he is the only one benefiting from his changes and implemations. This is reveleant because this may be a huge factor in the November election. But, then again Bush did a whole lot of damage while in office and got re-elected so maybe Obama does have a chance?

Republican Bashing.

Title/Caption: Freak Show

The cartoon is of Cheney and Bush and Cheyney is saying "Even a feral fascist female freak show could be Obama in 2012" and Bush replies "I know, I'm still trying to persuade Palin to stand." This cartoon in my opinion can have different interpretations. One is the obvious, that Republicans believe that Obama isn't a threat and will definitely not win. Another, the one I took it as is the bashing of running mates within the same political party. This has become a very significant issue within Republican candidates.Many people believe that will in fact be an easy win for Obama come November because the Republican candidates have just been bashing each other to no end. This is an issue we've talked alot about in class, and the comparison of the way Obama and Clinton attacked each other versus the current competition. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Title/Caption: Opposed Each

This cartoon is about Republican opposition towards Democratic presidents' implemented plans. Roosevelt's was Social Security, Johnson's was Medicare/Medicad and of course Obama's Health Care Reform. All three of these plans were viewed as things that were needed at the time and in more ways than not beneficial to Americans yet were strongly opposed by Republicans. The elephant is beat up which probably signifies the fight and losses they endured against these plans. Obama, Roosevelt and Johnson seem to be happy and content signifying that they have won the battles. This is definitely a cartoon that depicts a Liberal/Democratic perspective because in a way it seems as if that cartoon is suggesting that the Elephant should give up which definitely isnt a Conservative view. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day One.

Title/Caption: Day One

This cartoon is of President Obama on his first day of office as President. What he is doing in the cartoon is putting together the Constituion, which has clearly been ripped into many pieces. What I got from this article is that from his first day, Obama had A LOT of work and repairments to change. Feom the beginning it has been hard. This is definitely a Liberal perspective because it is defending Obama in what many people say took a long time to bring abput chamge. Obama promised alot of things that took awhile to accomplish and still are being implemented but I think this article is saying that Obama couldn't just start straight off with fufilling his promises he had to first clean up the mess from the Bush-Cheyney adminstration which was all but a quick fix. 

Just For Humor.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Two Different Worlds.

Title/Caption: One reason Bipartisanship will never work

This cartoon speaks to the issue of bi-partinship. The cartoon shows Obama and a large elephant having a race. But, they are starting on two different sides. Obama is on the eft representing left wing Liberalism and the Elephant is on the right clearly representing Conservative views. The elephant is saying "One reason Bipartisanship will never work." What I get from this cartoon is that bipartisanship will never work becuase both sides have two different starting points and directions of goals. This is very relevant because many people from both parties but especially Democrats believe that the only way America will see the change so many people are hungry for is if the two parties come together. This cartoon demonstrates what is possibly a sad reality, the two parties will never be able to come together. If this is in fcat the truth America wont see change for a very very long period of time.