Sunday, April 15, 2012

Captain Obama.

Title/Caption: Re-Elect Captain Obama

This cartoon is of a sinking ship with "United States of America" written across it. At the top of the boat is Obama wearing a ship's captain attire holding a sign that reads "Re-Elect Captain Obama". What this cartoon is saying is that Obama has tore America apart but yet is still asking to be elected again. This cartoon clearly represents a Republican perspective. Many Republicans believe along with this cartoon that Obama has hurt America badly with his different proposals and in some ways that he is the only one benefiting from his changes and implemations. This is reveleant because this may be a huge factor in the November election. But, then again Bush did a whole lot of damage while in office and got re-elected so maybe Obama does have a chance?

Republican Bashing.

Title/Caption: Freak Show

The cartoon is of Cheney and Bush and Cheyney is saying "Even a feral fascist female freak show could be Obama in 2012" and Bush replies "I know, I'm still trying to persuade Palin to stand." This cartoon in my opinion can have different interpretations. One is the obvious, that Republicans believe that Obama isn't a threat and will definitely not win. Another, the one I took it as is the bashing of running mates within the same political party. This has become a very significant issue within Republican candidates.Many people believe that will in fact be an easy win for Obama come November because the Republican candidates have just been bashing each other to no end. This is an issue we've talked alot about in class, and the comparison of the way Obama and Clinton attacked each other versus the current competition. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Title/Caption: Opposed Each

This cartoon is about Republican opposition towards Democratic presidents' implemented plans. Roosevelt's was Social Security, Johnson's was Medicare/Medicad and of course Obama's Health Care Reform. All three of these plans were viewed as things that were needed at the time and in more ways than not beneficial to Americans yet were strongly opposed by Republicans. The elephant is beat up which probably signifies the fight and losses they endured against these plans. Obama, Roosevelt and Johnson seem to be happy and content signifying that they have won the battles. This is definitely a cartoon that depicts a Liberal/Democratic perspective because in a way it seems as if that cartoon is suggesting that the Elephant should give up which definitely isnt a Conservative view. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day One.

Title/Caption: Day One

This cartoon is of President Obama on his first day of office as President. What he is doing in the cartoon is putting together the Constituion, which has clearly been ripped into many pieces. What I got from this article is that from his first day, Obama had A LOT of work and repairments to change. Feom the beginning it has been hard. This is definitely a Liberal perspective because it is defending Obama in what many people say took a long time to bring abput chamge. Obama promised alot of things that took awhile to accomplish and still are being implemented but I think this article is saying that Obama couldn't just start straight off with fufilling his promises he had to first clean up the mess from the Bush-Cheyney adminstration which was all but a quick fix. 

Just For Humor.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Two Different Worlds.

Title/Caption: One reason Bipartisanship will never work

This cartoon speaks to the issue of bi-partinship. The cartoon shows Obama and a large elephant having a race. But, they are starting on two different sides. Obama is on the eft representing left wing Liberalism and the Elephant is on the right clearly representing Conservative views. The elephant is saying "One reason Bipartisanship will never work." What I get from this cartoon is that bipartisanship will never work becuase both sides have two different starting points and directions of goals. This is very relevant because many people from both parties but especially Democrats believe that the only way America will see the change so many people are hungry for is if the two parties come together. This cartoon demonstrates what is possibly a sad reality, the two parties will never be able to come together. If this is in fcat the truth America wont see change for a very very long period of time. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Third World Countries.

Title/Caption: I have a disease it's called Obesity

The cartoon depicts one of the many differences between America and third world countries. The wealth, more specifically greed that exists here and accesibility to medical help. There are three people in the cartoon one big man who represents America and two that represent the Third World. The guy who is America is significally larger than the Third World Countries. He has been outgrown his shirt while they are holding out plates for food. He is saying "I have a disease called obesity" and they are saying "That's one disease we'll never have to worry about contracting." The quotes have double meanings. One, that America is wealthy and able to eat most times foods that are not good for one to eat and two, that Third World countries are exposed and devastated by so many diseases but will never have to worry about becoming obese due to lack of wealth. This is definitely a Liberal/Democratic view because those are the ones that are worried about helping third world countries and changing the wealth of America. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

U.S. Economy.

Title/Caption: U.S. Economy

This cartoon is of President Obama and several citizens. They are all surrounding a garden that is the U.S. Economy that is fertilized by "Federal Stimulus Groeth Formula." Obama is watering the gardening and telling the people to be patient while the people with their plates and eating untensils are agreeing to wait but you can tell they are anxious, hungry and confused. This cartoon represents exactly how American people have been for a while now, ready and hungry for a change in the economy. This cartoon could easily represnt both parties and different perspectives. I feel that everyone wouldn't mind a growth in our economy where as for some people they need and are depending on it badly. This cartoon is also very relevant to politics today becomes it accurately depicts the actions of Obama and various citizens. 

The Cost of Life.

Title/Caption: Health Care Reform, Another Mouth to Feed
This cartoon is of two elephants who have just gave birth to a child. The mother is excited about the birth of the newborn child while the father is upset and saying "Another mouth to Feed!" The box the baby is in says "health care reform" which explains the father's anger. So the cartoon is demonstrating how something as beautiful as life, has become less beautiful because of the current economic status of our country. I really dont think this has to do with a certain ideological perspective but more of economic status and the ability to afford a child at this time. This cartoon relates heavily to current politics because Obama's new Health Care reform was and still is a huge problem and issue.

If you look closely in the corner it says "And I'm pretty sure I'm not the father." So the current economy is hurting American families.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

No Escaping Taxes.

Title/Capttion: Nothing is Certain but Death and Taxes

This cartoon is of a mna named "Quinn" saying "Nothing is Certain but Death and Taxes." Nothing is Certain but Death and Taxes is a famous quote that came about in 1726, which esentially illustrates the inevitability of death to highlight the difficulty in avoiding the burden of taxes. I think this cartoon can apply to all perspectives because both parties know that this is pretty much the truth. Although there have been accounts that demonstate taxes being lower for the richer citizens in America, they are still paying taxes. Taxes have become a really big issue for many Americans recently so this cartoon is a very relevant sad truth.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

No Competition.

Title/Caption: "Ok...there is a sign that can really hurt me."

The cartoon is of President Obama riding in a car passing six signs endosring the Republican candidates. He is approaching a gas station and the price says $402.90 per gallon and Obama is saying "Ok...there is a sign that can really hurt me." Basically this cartoon is displaying how little concern Obama has towards any of his competiting candidate options. Which in mnay people's opinion is the way it should be, for different reasons. This is definitely the prespective of liberals, democrats clearly. This is very relevant to the presidential campaign of 2012 because this cartoon is basically saying that there is no way Obama will be defeated in 2012 and that something that concerns and can damage him more  is the rising price of gas. 

Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Title/Caption: Which is the gay one?

"Which is the gay one?" is written under three coffins, coffins that are covered by American flags signifying that the men or women have served our country in some way or another. The cartoon, makes a very effective argument against Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. The use of flag-draped coffins, signifying shared tragedy, suggests that dying for one’s country has little to do with sexual orientation and that is rather the work that an individual does. In this case, sacrificing his/her life for the United States is what should matter most. In this kind of public sacrifice, the image suggests, everything individual related is erased. The ideological perspective is definitely that of liberalism, becuase conservatives are the ones that were in favor of Don't Ask Don't Tell, and are very anti-homosexuality mainly due to string religious beliefs.

United We Stand.

Title/Caption: United We Stand


The caption of this cartoon "United we stand" is part of a motto symbloziing America as a collective whole. The people in this cartoon are male and female some have on simply t-shirts while some have on suits. I think the message that is being conveyed is that everyone is being effected by the current deficit in the economy rich and poor, male and female. The people are waiting in line and entering a building that reads "Unemployment office." I think the ideological perspective of this cartoon is liberal becuase many Republicans and Conservatives are ignoring the fact that there is a deficit in the country and Liberals are the ones recognizing and demanding change to be done. This cartoon relates to many current events including; the recession, our economy and even the presidential election. Many people are out of work do to our economy and are looking for the candidate that will bring jobs back to the Amerocan people. Maybe my ironic interpreation is wrong but I think the irony comes in becuase in the motto "United we stand, divided we fall" the United part stands for when the people are at their best and divided when at their worst and this cartoon is saying that this is not even the worst that is happening in the country.