Saturday, March 31, 2012

Third World Countries.

Title/Caption: I have a disease it's called Obesity

The cartoon depicts one of the many differences between America and third world countries. The wealth, more specifically greed that exists here and accesibility to medical help. There are three people in the cartoon one big man who represents America and two that represent the Third World. The guy who is America is significally larger than the Third World Countries. He has been outgrown his shirt while they are holding out plates for food. He is saying "I have a disease called obesity" and they are saying "That's one disease we'll never have to worry about contracting." The quotes have double meanings. One, that America is wealthy and able to eat most times foods that are not good for one to eat and two, that Third World countries are exposed and devastated by so many diseases but will never have to worry about becoming obese due to lack of wealth. This is definitely a Liberal/Democratic view because those are the ones that are worried about helping third world countries and changing the wealth of America. 

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